Referencing your work
As you write your paper, you will refer to different texts. These could be journals, books, government publications, the worldwide web and other secondary sources. The vital aspects you need to know are:
Aspect 1:
What type of source are you referring from? Is it a book, a journal or what is it?
To help you differentiate, is a full list of some common types of sources with their definition.
We all know what this is. Google defines it as "a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. " . This can be a soft copy or hard copy.
Google defines a journal as a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity. We can have science journals, economic journals among others that post research findings that have been verified and confirmed as true. If an order requires credible courses, especially Ph.D. and Master's papers, always refer from such sources. A pdf from a journal will always have the journal name indicated somewhere in the footer or header. Journal can either be print of electronic
Government publications
These are publications from government websites. Any website that has a domain TLD .go or .gov is a government website. Information from such websites is also considered very credible.
The worldwide web
These are common websites that often have a .com, .net or .org at the end of their domain names (TLD). Information from these websites can be referenced but should not be considered very credible.
There are other sources but these are the most common.
Aspect 2:
- Identify the following:
- First and last name of the author (s)
- Date of publication, especially the year
- Page number where content is mentioned
- Publisher in case of book
- Journal of publication for print and electronic journals
- Publication Volume and Issue no for journal s
- City of publication in case it is a book
- Source link (url) for articles on the web
Now that you can identify which source you are referring from, we can look at how to reference it.
Types of references
There are two major types of references: in-text and end-text references. Every paper you submit MUST have both.
in-text references-
These are references placed within the paper to indicate where a certain fact has been referenced from. For example, a paragraph from a paper with an in-text citation in MLA format will appear as below:
......Subjecting young girls to such condition is a violation of the legal rights of children and it is real violence against women. Such acts cause women and girls grave psychological and physical harm (Salami, 52). Girls and women in this position are less likely to seek legal assistance because they often end up being frustrated......
end-text references/ reference list
These are the references that appear at the end of paper. Depending on the format style, they will have the title: References, List of references, Bibliography or Works Cited. Here is an example of end text references in MLA format
Works Cited
Mohammed, A; Ali, N. and Yinger, N. “Female Genital Mutilation: Programmes to Date” What Works and What Doesn’t. Geneva: World Health Organisation Press. (1999). Print.
Mugenzi, Joan. “Killing Women’s Sexuality” In: Conveying Concerns: Women Report on Gender-based violence. New York: Population Reference Bureau, (1998).
Salami, I .I. “The Girl-Child: Work and Health Hazards”. Journal of Women in Academics. 8.1 (2000): 44-56. Print.
Note: Every source that appears in the reference list should have a corresponding entry in the in-text references
To reference your source go to:
if you have a slow internet connection
if you have a faster internet connection
Check your order instructions and select the referencing style required, for example, APA
Select the type of source you are referring from, say, a book
Select how many authors the book has, say,one author in our case
Arrange the items in "Aspect 2" above in the same order as in the example provided. Do this for both in-text citations and reference list/ end-texts.
For further information on how to reference in different referencing styles, check the following link